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Home Is  Exhibition
Untitled, August 16
Ion Zupcu
Cosmos vs.
Light Blue Sky

Tony Mendoza
Sylvie Gaudin A
Mark Arbeit
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"Home is where you feel at home. I'm still looking," said Holly Golightly, the peripatetic heroine of Truman Capote's "Breakfast at Tiffany's," whose calling cards read simply, "traveling"—no fixed abode. In its essence, home is an attachment, whether to a literal place, an object, a person, a memory, or even an act (laying one's head on a pillow, cooking a meal, crossing a bridge into Brooklyn). The attachment of home typically manifests itself as an emotional state—the feeling of being secure, settled, protected, utterly oneself. In this virtual exhibition, however, hosted in conjunction with, home manifests itself as an image. While one's own home is often an elusive state, as Ms. Golightly lamented, these photographs may be pored over. So make yourself feel at home.

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